About Harris Door
Since 2007, Harris door ha been your trusted source for the repair, service and installation of garage doors in the Quad cities. From your door's mechanical components to its electrical function, we are here to deliver service that keeps it working smoothly for you. Call us today for your garage door service, garage door replacements, and garage door openers in the Quad cities.

Expert garage Door Service
No matter what name brand garage door you have or what the problem with its function may be, trust Harris door to assist you in setting things right again. As the most experienced garage door company in Bettendorf and Davenport, we have the knowledge and know how to provide you with a good garage door repair and installation service.

How we can help
About Our Company
Our crew provide a bevy of garage door services, designed to keep your door in top working order for as long as you own it. We offer a full garage door installation service for major components and can assist you with any and all garage door repair in the Quad cities. Some of our area of focus include maintenance and repair.
Our Services
We Offer a Range of Services to Meet Your Needs
Garage doors in, Quad Cities are the single largest mechanical features of our homes, which mean they need expert oversight and maintenance to stay functional and safe. Harris Door is here to provide a level of service you can always count on when it comes to your overhead door. From critical maintenance to prevent safety issues and breakdowns, to restorative garage door repairs and opener service to restore a full level of function, we're dedicated to leaving you with a door that's in exceptional condition. No matter what brand of door you have or what the problem is, know we've got the expertise to see it back to a like-new state.
What We do
Our Projects